Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 2 Watermelon Detox

Well here we are, I made it to day 2. My friend on the other hand well that's a different story! Ha. I came into work today and she pointed to her container of watermelon and told me after she finishes the container, she's done. I laughed. This diet is definitely hard. Very hard! Watermelon is nothing but water, 2% water to be exact. The rest is sugar. The watermelon is very refreshing and sweet but I am sure by the end of tomorrow I won't want to see another watermelon for a long time.
Today I will eat more watermelon than yesterday. I don't think I ate enough, I was extremely hungry yesterday. So I ate breakfast, which yesterday I did not. Of course it was watermelon! Yellow watermelon actually. Tastes exactly the same, just different color. I guess yellow watermelon is a hybrid. Either red or yellow still the same sweet watery taste.
Last night at dinner time the watermelon didn't taste as sweet as it had earlier, probably because I had been eating it the entire day. My 1 year old though thought it was the best thing ever. He sat in my lap and shared my watermelon with me. I at that time wished I had felt the same way he did about the watermelon.
Last night I did not go to the gym or work out. I had a bad headache after work, probably due to lack of food! I did do some laundry and picked up the house a bit. Today I feel good, as long as I don't have a headache tonight I plan on going to the gym. My husband though did work out last night. He went downstairs and did the elliptical for 20 minutes and lifted his weights. Since he bought a new bench set last week. I'm sure with this detox diet you will lose some weight without working out, since you are losing a lot of water. Just right after this detox if you go and eat out of control it will come right back if not double. So, my hubby and I have discussed to take it very lightly on our food for the days after the detox. To still keep it light with salads and small portions. Or the detox will be absolutely pointless!
I only have the rest of the day today and all day tomorrow and I will be able to eat normal food again! Thank goodness!!!! I'm excited to see the results from this as well. I am not expecting anything huge, I will be happy with any kind of loss. A loss is a loss!!!

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